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OpenOffice user - can you do me a favour please ...

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Carol Haynes:
Writely needs registration which is currently closed, but ajaxWrite works a treat (and is much faster than zoho).

What are the security implications of these online editors though?


Carol Haynes:
Been experimenting with Portable OpenOffice and have to say I am impressed. It seems to me to be much more responsive than the standard installed version - particulalry loading. In fact it seems to load faster than MS OfficeXP. Certainly double clicking OfficeWriter.exe opens much quicker on my machine than MS WordXP.

Well worth exploring (even if you don't use it on a thumb drive or similar - just unpack it to a folder and run it).

i read thieir Website Use and Conditions they look alright and reasonable to me, but if the documents contain credit card and confidential info, then it's not that safe to use these online editors i guess.

Oo er ... it downloaded quickly but it is taking WinRAR an age to unpack it (longer than the download!)
-Carol Haynes (July 04, 2006, 05:17 PM)
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winrar took only 30secs to unpack for me, i think it was your AV that slowed it down, bypass NOD32 and try again.

Ouch — 86Mb is "portable"?


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