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Some thoughts on the next version

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ok, exited the regular version, installed portable version. Clean database. Made a clip in Clipboard, and yes, it deleted it. Gone.

Made a new group, added three clips, and no, cannot delete every time.  :(    I can right click the group and Delete All clips in this group, and they go....

Again, like Ian said, this is not a priority A for me, because I simply re-use clips instead of deleting them that's ok. If you cannot replicate the issue, don't worry about it, I can love with it.

The Cntrl+C jumping is the Priority A issue for me. I unchecked the scroll bar setting, but I still see the interface jump to a different clip when I ctrl+C in a clip....

Edit: I am testing regular version again for Ctrl+C, getting different outcomes depending on which Groups I use.

In some Groups, I select a clip and copy a portion of the text in the clip, and it does not jump to another clip.

In other Groups, maybe they have more clips, I still see the jumping.... strange

because I simply re-use clips instead of deleting them that's ok. If you cannot replicate the issue, don't worry about it, I can love with it.
-Subsim (November 16, 2015, 10:26 AM)
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well i can't -- it's not acceptable for clips to not delete.. are you doing anything odd when you are creating new groups?

i may have to make you a debug version of the program to see if we can track down the problem.. any error message in the statusbar when you try to delete?

can you try this? empty your CHS recycle bin, then delete a clip that fails to delete, and look in recycle bin -- is it there?

Ok, tried Emptying the Recycle bin, it's still empty

Deleted selected clip,

clip not deleted from the group, and not in the bin

Just focusing on the deletion issue in the new portable install -- do you see any rhyme or reason to the deletion problems?

Anyone else experiencing deletion problems?

SubSim, can you email me ([email protected]), i'd like to get you a debug version to track down the nature of this deletion bug.



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