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Official CMS Migration Progress Thread - September 2017

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but preferably with "Latest News" a few points larger
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Do you mean "Latest Forum Posts"?

but preferably with "Latest News" a few points larger
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Do you mean "Latest Forum Posts"?
-mouser (November 10, 2017, 02:07 PM)
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No, I really did mean the former but "Latest Forum Posts" doesn't stand out much now you draw my attention to it.
My thought is that "Latest" anything ought to shout a bit.

I liked #1 better but maybe that's just because it has the wonderful image of Cody in it. :-*

A font of 24 point Helvetica, black, bold, with a bright yellow flashing background would probably catch the reader's eye nicely.

I liked #1 better but maybe that's just because it has the wonderful image of Cody in it
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You folks have access to the beta site, you can see cody's visage is all over the damn thing!

I'm trying to put different versions of him in the different sidebars -- I think I could still use a little more variety.


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