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Newer password keepers/form-fillers - anyone using Dashlane or 1Password?

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Good comparison of password services with ranking: (September 21, 2015, 01:09 PM)
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Giving KeePass a bold "Contra" because you are not forced to store your passwords on other people's computers... LOL!

^ "other people's" is not accurate

The cloud basically are other people's computers.

Well yes, I meant syncing, over wifi for example. I don't see the point of using third party or cloud services to get something from one of my devices to another one of mine. In my case Dropbox may be an exception but it's the only one of that sort (files everywhere thing) I use and rarely at that.

The cloud basically are other people's computers.
-Tuxman (September 21, 2015, 04:02 PM)
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You're misrepresenting what they are saying.

Difficult to keep synced between devices
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That says nothing about the cloud.


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