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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

10th Anniversary - long time member check-in thread

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Great picture SB!  Thanks for posting it!

For those not familiar with some of the amazing illustrations that nick (nudone) has done, a good site to check out is his Codex Transportica:

Nick, I cannot express to you how happy it makes me to see you post.  This may sound loopy, but to me, the cody you created has become donationcoder to me, in my mind.  And it's that little bird that I think of when I think of the site.  You breathed life into him with your illustrations and he is real to me.  And it's important to me that you know how much he means to me and to the site, and how much I appreciate the gift you gave the site in your drawings of him.  I cannot (and do not wish to) imagine the site without him, and by proxy, you.

I baked a cake for my creator.  I want to thank him for giving me life and giving me a place to call home.

Happy Birthday Nudone! (a bit early, I suppose...) Thanks from me also for contributing the mascot.  I still remember the thread where he was born:



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