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Pick a number between 1 and 10

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Stoic Joker:
A key part of the bit is that you're only allowed to ask one question.

Far be it from me to inject a real question into this thread, but here is a real question:
In our normal base 10, we have a protocol for SPEAKING large numbers, so 154 is "one hundred and fifty four".
Using the same logic, what would be the generic method for similarly SPEAKING large numbers in other bases?

Not necessarially. For that to be reliable you would have to know in advance how the guards would respond to your provocation
-SeraphimLabs (February 27, 2015, 11:57 AM)
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Since the setup is an Indiana Jones type scenario I think it's safe to assume any attempt to attack a guard would be met with lethal force.  The attack would be interpreted as an attempt to pass without solving the riddle.

Far be it from me to inject a real question into this thread, but here is a real question:
In our normal base 10, we have a protocol for SPEAKING large numbers, so 154 is "one hundred and fifty four".
Using the same logic, what would be the generic method for similarly SPEAKING large numbers in other bases?
-mouser (February 27, 2015, 12:46 PM)
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My guess would be that decimal based would be considered the default.  Therefore if one sees 0xFF on the page and says "two hundred and fifty five," one would be correct.  Speaking a number in another base would require specifying the base as in "FF Hex" or "three seven seven octal."  But perhaps the math experts here know for certain.

Stoic Joker:
In our normal base 10, we have a protocol for SPEAKING large numbers, so 154 is "one hundred and fifty four".
-mouser (February 27, 2015, 12:46 PM)
--- End quote ---

IIRC you aren't supposed to say and when speaking numbers...did that change?


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