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It is like you go to buy a car, they ok you bought the car!. You go to drive it home they tell, aaah,... the say you have to get it towed to your house, the engine,trasmission, wheels, bracks we will have to send you when there finished.

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It's more like... it's working fine, but when you start installing a custom engine and a big-ass stereo system, it'll start failing. (that's for XP SP2 anyway, XP vanilla and SP1 were broken wrt. remote exploitability).

With a car, if they find a crippling bug, they fix it, just as MS has. They issue a recall. Also, if your g/f is a tech, ask her to give you proof of these backdoors. I guarantee she cant. There hasnt been a single proven backdoor into microsoft software that was intentionally put there, only rumors started by conspiracy theorists that think there are just because it is microsoft.

 if your g/f is a tech that is like me telling you to send me the army.
There is enough proof on the net. You are going to belive what ever you want Josh, I could show you links, I doubt you would believe it.
I am not going bother

thunder7: there's no proof of backdoors. All there is, is conspiracy theories from nutjobs like Steve Gibson. I haven't come across anything yet that looked like it was intended to be a backdoor. The leaked NT4 and Win2k sources didn't contain anything that looked like backdoors.

Sure, a well-crafted backdoor by a smart person would be designed to look like a bug. But the exploitable bugs so far haven't really smelled like backdoors but rather as genuine programming errors.

if your g/f is a tech that is like me telling you to send me the army.
There is enough proof on the net. You are going to belive what ever you want Josh, I could show you links, I doubt you would believe it.
I am not going bother
-thunder7 (June 12, 2006, 10:04 AM)
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I apologize if you took my comments as a hit against your girlfriend, it was not intended as such. I just wanted to continue the debate by having you or her post links to confirmed backdoors that werent just rumors. I feel, that if a true backdoor were found, it would be much more widely publicized on the news. Anyways, like I said in my private message to you, if you wouldnt mind having her post some links to these backdoors that you mention, I would appreciate it so we can continue this debate. The one posted by Carol Haynes was something the British Gov't WANTED put into windows to give law enforcement a way around the bitlocker encryption for Vista, but Microsoft denied that request saying it would defeat the whole purpose of encryption. That would be like the DoD putting a backdoor into their internal SIPRNet (secure internet) that would allow on the fly decoding. It just wouldnt happen.


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