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Using FARR with custom Opera (9b2) searches

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I'll give it a try.  One other thing... with the alias named starting with Opera (I used "Opera Search") if I launch FRR to open Opera, I only get the alias as a result, the exe's no longer show.  I tried decreasing the alias from 1000 to 100 but to no avail.  Any ideas?

Oh, I knew alias' were extremely powerful... I just never quite got my head wrapped around them from the begginning (which, if you read some of the first threads on them, you can verify!).  I use FRR for launching programs and this is something it does well natively.  Between not seeing a "need" and not understanding, I just let it go!  But this is one actually seems interesting.  Thanks,



One other thing... with the alias named starting with Opera (I used "Opera Search") if I launch FRR to open Opera, I only get the alias as a result, the exe's no longer show.  I tried decreasing the alias from 1000 to 100 but to no avail. 
-kfitting (June 08, 2006, 05:40 AM)
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Oh, i think what your problem is. Go to the options menu, and under the tab "interface", uncheck "Stop search on exact alias match" ;)

I understand the problem with aliases, the regular expressions feature can scare people away. On the other hand, it's the most powerful feature about it!  :D

Got it... thanks!


I understand the problem with aliases, the regular expressions feature can scare people away. On the other hand, it's the most powerful feature about it!
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I wish I would understand what you are doing :(
I installed FARR two days ago and have set various alias groups mainly to find and launch files I often use. This is pretty good but I am very keen on understanding your more sophisticated tricks.  If I set up the opera search as per your screenshoot, nothing happens. Besides, I don't quite understand how and where you are inputting the search string.
If my first input is opera (to look for the alias of Opera), how and where do I enter the actual term I am looking for.
Sorry if I am not very clear.  :-[

beethoven, the easiest way to see how it works is to use the search alias already pre-existing in farr.

just type for example:
search beethoven

and youll see a list of searches it can conduct on the web.

then by looking at that "search" alias you can probably figure out how to add a new one or modify your own, etc.


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