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Windows 10 Announced

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I'm going to wait till about one week shy of the last day I can get it for free and then upgrade the one Windows machine I still have left in the house.


Dear Microsoft:

It's hasn't been that great all these years we've had together. And it certainly hasn't been fun. But it seems we're still gonna be stuck with each other for some things. So lets just deal with those things as they come up, and go our separate ways the rest of the time ok?

No hard feelings. In fact, no feelings - of any kind - at all.

I'd like to say it's been real. But you know how it goes.



Arizona Hot:
Windows 10 Announced

Another day, another update.  What would have made this one surreal is to have gotten it yesterday on Feb. 29.

[ Invalid Attachment ]

Another day, another update.  What would have made this one surreal is to have gotten it yesterday on Feb. 29.
-Arizona Hot (March 01, 2016, 04:50 PM)
--- End quote ---

It must be like Wimpy from the Popeye cartoon.  Payoffs are only on Tuesdays.  :D

Arizona Hot:
Windows 10 Announced

This tiny computer could help run your smart home

Anyone here with a Pi going to upgrade to a 3 or are you waiting for the 3.14159 version?

Windows 10 Announced

Microsoft's Edge and IE browsers are being abandoned by users, to Google's benefit  PCWorld

Arizona Hot:
Windows 10 Announced

The next Windows 10 update is all about Cortana


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