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Win9 will be FREE!

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WindowsTechnicalPreview-x64-EN-US.iso]Windows 10 x64 Tech Preview ISO Image - Direct Link
-Josh (October 01, 2014, 03:11 PM)
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you may have just started a flash mob  ;D

Windows 10 x64 Tech Preview ISO Image - Direct Link
-Josh (October 01, 2014, 03:11 PM)
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Heh heh. Notice the URL contains W9TPI, i.e., Windows 9 Technical Preview Image. ;D

According to Microsoft's website, the SHA-1 for the above ISO should be: EB75A3D3C0F621F175B75DC65DB036D0E00EAC43

But don't you also need a product key for the ISO to work?

Boy, I've cut down a lot on what news I follow over the years.  i think I may cut out a whole bunch of tech news.  These articles about new devices and new features and stuff are really making me  :-\.

So all this news about windows 10.  ok.  All they've really done is change the start button so it's now even bigger with tiles showing.  One programmer.  One day.  Let's say 10 programmers, one month.

What else?  built-in multiple desktops?  ok.  windows users have had third party tools forever, so who really cares?  I can't criticize it too much, of course, they are just addressing the (quite stupid) complaints of users who say windows has nothing while apple has all these great software built into the OS.

This move away from the windows third-party tools is still troubling to me.  It's making me keep an eye out on Linux. 

Stoic Joker:
But don't you also need a product key for the ISO to work?-Deozaan (October 01, 2014, 04:08 PM)
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No, it just installs. I've got it running in a VM at work.

How'd you get it to install? It crashes my VirtualBox VM during boot.


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