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Do you use any GTD/calendar system to get organized?

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Wow, so many people don't use anything...
I missed a hugely important talk last week so I'm trying to be consistent... I'm using MLO.

GTD with google cal:

[...] and my cell phone's agenda ;)
(but i don't do any time scheduling)
-jgpaiva (June 04, 2006, 07:56 PM)
--- End quote ---
I couldn't live without my cell phone's calendar, which I use several times a day, even for minor things/tasks. Pretty helpful, since you don't have to carry around another piece of hardware.

I'm retired.  Don't have a schedule.  Do what I want, when I want.   :D

I'm in the process of switching over (at least for most stuff) to MyLifeOrganized. Still, it's got a bit of a learning curve, so I'm taking it slow. My most recent reminder tool is RainLendar, a gorgeous skinnable calendar that's really handy. It has an "always on bottom" ability to keep it on your desktop, variable transparency, all kinds of customizability, and while it's not updated every week or month, the author keeps making steady improvements.

There's a similar tool to monitor local system (and other) stats called RainMeter by the same guy, infinitely skinnable and also scriptable. It'll even do weather with a free plugin. Very creative tools; is an easier-to-remember URL if you don't like the one linked above.


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