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Easy way to mark file as done?

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[edit] Note: I found a solution for this case (post#2 simply marking files as read-only), but very interested in any other suggestions - also those that will only work in one file manager! [/edit]

I'm looking for a simple way to mark files as "done".

I would like to use a method that is part of the file and visible in various file managers, so I guess changing one of the file attributes would be the way to go (e.g. archive it - is that the same as making it read only? that would be fine).
The attribute could be easily displayed in detail mode in any file manager.

So I reckon using a file manager would probably be the easiest route (?)
I currently have XYplorer and Dopus installed, so could use either of them, (or windows explorer).

I did do a search online, and in both help files, but my search-fu isnt very good, so didnt come up with anything helpful. (Note: I'm a fairly basic user.)

TIA for any suggestions :)

should have used the brain a bit more before posting :-[

Simply select the files:

* alt+enter to show properties
* press 'r' for read-only
* return out

It would still be nice to have an optional way of colouring "done" or read-only file differently from the rest.  Maybe there are ways to do that in advanced file managers...

If you commit to always using one of those heavy duty file managers you mention, they may have their own way of leaving notes or tagging files that will display them differently within that program.

It would still be nice to have an optional way of colouring "done" or read-only file differently from the rest.  Maybe there are ways to do that in advanced file managers...
-rjbull (August 21, 2014, 05:08 PM)
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that would be nice. In this case read-only is a solution, but where it isn't...

If you commit to always using one of those heavy duty file managers you mention, they may have their own way of leaving notes or tagging files that will display them differently within that program.
-mouser (August 21, 2014, 05:17 PM)
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yeah, I see they both support tags of some sort, must look closer there.

Maybe I'll remove the [Solved] prefix and see if there's any more suggestions.


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