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pdf tool for search and removal of batches of elements in pdf

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I used it on 32-bit XP.  I think I have it installed in Vista, but haven't needed to use it.

Thanks for suggestions, but none of them (PDFedit, A-pdf tools, pdfmagus tools). is the one I'm afraid. Any more ideas?

Back in 2007 you were using PDFTK, maybe you have also been using their PDFtk Server? I don't know these apps, so I am not sure if they even can do what you ask for.

No, the program had a GUI, unlike PDFtk Server. I earlier tried searching my posting history here for pdf something something but didn't find what I am looking for.

at first I thought this one was far too obvious:

but, hey, maybe?

Watch out for the difference between "Get the entire PDFill package" and "Get this tool only"


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