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Broforce ("Bro Force")

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My 3¾ y/o son likes hunting for games on the Internet. He turns up some really interesting online ones - BubbleHit, PapaLoui2 being two really addictive examples - and which you could download to your PC and play/save their levels and restore/return to them later. A while back, he found one called Broforce - a free prototype that now seems to be appearing as a paid development or something, on Steam (?).
The prototype ("brototype") was on different free-to-play-sites - one example is
This Broforce downloads as a 37.7Mb file game.unity3d and plays via a Firefox plugin.

Broforce is an amazingly addictive and fun game - lots of shooting, violent explosions, splatter, baddies, etc. and with hugely tongue-in-cheek references to American movie heroes. My daughter and I started to play it with my son because he wasn't dexterous enough to play it at first, and the levels get harder the higher you go. He's now pretty impressive at it, and we are all addicted to it.
We are stuck, unable to get past a very high level (they are not numbered), where a  flying gunship hovers around blasting you to smithereens whether you are on the surface or underground.

Any pointers to tactics/hacks/cheats to get past this level - assuming there is another level - would be welcome.

Thanks! I'm hooked as well!   :P

My 3¾ y/o son likes hunting for games on the Internet. He turns up some really interesting online ones ...

Broforce is an amazingly addictive and fun game - lots of shooting, violent explosions, splatter, baddies, etc. and with hugely tongue-in-cheek references to American movie heroes.
-IainB (May 11, 2014, 04:40 AM)
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"But ... But ... Think Of The Children and all that violence will make him a murderer and ..." (insert parody of Renny parodying Right Wing Blather here!!)

Cue App's brilliant Correlation is not Causation page earlier.

Heh so now Iain has his very own little science experiment in his house. If a smart and sensible parent (which I know Iain is) teaches his smart son (finding internet games before age four!?) good family values, then things will be mostly just fine.


Crap, that level with the gunship is really hard (I also think it the final boss and after that this particular version of the game ends).

Not even with Brobocop I manage to hit the gunship enough to take it down.

Crap, that level with the gunship is really hard (I also think it the final boss and after that this particular version of the game ends).
Not even with Brobocop I manage to hit the gunship enough to take it down.
-Shades (May 11, 2014, 03:48 PM)
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Wow, that was fast work! You must be pretty good at this. It took me quite a l-o-n-g while (many retries) to get past a couple of the immediately preceding levels (before the flying gunship one). I suspect it might indeed be the last level in the prototype, and maybe was made impossible to beat for that reason - if you know there are higher levels, you usually want to take on the challenge of getting to them.
Chuck Norris (has the laser target bomb strike special weapon) seems to be the most powerful Bro for attacking destructive machines or groups, but has little impact on the gunship before he gets wiped out.


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