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Send email from cmdline !

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    i just wanted to know is it possible to really send an email from cmdline ! I checked many youtube videos , but i was not clear enough.
Also i googled and found some tools that could do so.

But it just goes over my head. Can someone tell me the method to do so. cmdline tool and another
For reasons , like time taken when composing an email from yahoo or gmail is what i don't like.

Thank you.

Blat is a well regarded command line emailer. I have this on all my servers for sending notifications, job results, etc. Simple syntax, good debugging options, and options for almost everything. (Of course the license prohibits sending spam.)

Blat is for sending emails - it is not written for composing emails. It presumes you have some content that you want to send. If you need to run a program to compose your message, then you might as well use a normal email client.

This might be more interesting:

Basic use would be:
sendEmail -f <your email address> -t <receiver mail adress(es)> -u <preferred subject> -m <message you want to send> -s <name or IP from your mail server(: optional port)>

or if this is more clear:
sendEmail -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -u "My first message" -m "Hello world" -s internal.mail.server

There are lots more options, the included help is quite clear.

This might be more interesting:

Basic use would be:
sendEmail -f <your email address> -t <receiver mail adress(es)> -u <preferred subject> -m <message you want to send> -s <name or IP from your mail server(: optional port)>

or if this is more clear:
sendEmail -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -u "My first message" -m "Hello world" -s internal.mail.server

There are lots more options, the included help is quite clear.
-Shades (May 10, 2014, 10:35 AM)
--- End quote ---

No mate , its not working. I follow ur cmdline. I want to mail using my gmail account to a yahoo account.
The homepage doesn't provide enough material to comprehend.

It's not command line but Thunderbird can be configured to access many web mail accounts as pop3.  One example is hotmail.  It can probably do gmail too but I'm not certain.

Edit:  also there may be an AddOn for Thunderbird that does the gmail setup for you.


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