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Are there any simple graphic editors?

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It may have fewer features than a full blown editor.  But Irfanview is lightweight and does most if not all of the functions you listed. It also has a bunch of free plug-ins available for download.

And of course there is always gimp for those willing to trade learning curve for a zero cost full featured editor.

I think full-featured monoliths like Gimp are exactly what OP was trying to avoid.  I understand completely, as Gimp mystified me for years because I couldn't figure out how just click-drag to draw a damn circle or rectangle.  Then I got a book on Gimp from the library and my eyes were opened;  this was not a drawing program, this was photo-manipulation.

Irfanview and XnView were my go-tos when I needed batch conversion or fast-and-clean graphic file treatments like cropping/lightening/darkening/color manipulation, etc. but the drawing functions in IrfanView and XnView Legacy are about as limited as MSpaint, and there is no paint functionality in XnViewMP (... yet).

Seems to me I've done most of the functions in the OP's list using Irfanview so I have to wonder if you installed the plug-ins.

Paint.NET sounds about right for a freebie.  Irfanview toolbox isn't exactly intuitive.  But I flunked stick figures so a big grain of salt with my suggestions.  :)

A new...or rather old contender: PaintStar

A piece of freeware that is not hard to learn, not too excessive in options if you don't want to and the website has tutorials and links for beginners. After it has been installed once, you can copy the installation folder to a pen-drive to make it portable. It works on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. Also, it's around 3Mbyte to download.

Thanks to everyone for great suggestions. I am excited to know that there are so many possibilities. My old favorite was LView Pro. The really old Rev 2 was the absolute best for this kind of stuff. Due to unexpected loss of loved one, I have not had time to try any of these, but I certainly will. Life sure likes to throw curve balls, don't it? :(

But hey, it's spring, skies are blue, and life is sweet.


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