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Hidden Files

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Anyone ever use unhide.exe?

This first sentence stops me from trying it.

Note: You should not run unhide.exe unless you have been infected with one of the FakeHDD\Defragmenter rogues that hide your files and Start Menu.

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Don't think I was infected by one of these rogues and can use the Start Menu but... some files I cannot see and should be able to.

Unlike most folks, I presume, I sit and watch during a quick-scan... AV, SAS or MBAM.  I see files scanned that are not visble when I navigate there.
I don't mean 'normally invisable OS files'.  I mean cookies.  Making ALL files visable changes nothing.

Maybe my issue is a by-product of the FBI Scam I experienced in the past?  Don't really know when this invisbility started.   :(

try the other way around, please. Run a full anti-virus and anti-malware scan. If the result is safe, the problem does not exist.

I think the warning is there to keep somebody from doing something silly - like deleting something Windows wisely keeps hidden under normal circumstances in case a user doesn't recognize it for what it is. One very good reason to hide a file (on the user level) is to keep busy human fingers from messing with things that should only be touched by the system in order to avoid rendering the PC inoperable.

Cookies are just text files that sit in a cache that's normally in  a hidden directory. You can unhide it with no ill effect if you like. But there's really no reason to do so. FWIW - any time I'm doing a virus scan, I'll run CCleaner and nuke all the temporary files and cookies just to save scan time. YMMV

Stoic Joker:
FWIW - anytime I'm doing a virus scan, I'll run CCleaner and nuke all the temporary files and cookies just to save scan time.-40hz (February 11, 2014, 02:22 PM)
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I use ATF-Cleaner for much the same reason. It easily knocks close to an hour off the scan time. I haven't tried it on Win8/81 yet, but its never done me wrong on Win7 and below.

FWIW - anytime I'm doing a virus scan, I'll run CCleaner and nuke all the temporary files and cookies just to save scan time.-40hz (February 11, 2014, 02:22 PM)
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I use ATF-Cleaner for much the same reason. It easily knocks close to an hour off the scan time. I haven't tried it on Win8/81 yet, but its never done me wrong on Win7 and below.
-Stoic Joker (February 11, 2014, 02:51 PM)
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I get that those files aren't malware, but I haven't performed this kind of sys cleaning in years.

2.5 *gigs* of cruft?!!



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