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The NANY Retrospective Thread

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Kyratha's Time Machine lets you go back in time and contribute to prior year NANYs!
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@TaoPhoenix: I've temporarily suspended development of Time Machine. I'm being sued by some company claiming it infringes on their previous use of that title for some big flashy backup software. Also, we've lost six testers to temporal flux anomalies.

Counting this year's NANY, I've been involved in the event five different years ('07, '11, '12, '13, '14) and have contributed a total of one dozen applications. The app I had the most fun coding was "Found Money":
-kyrathaba (October 07, 2013, 03:14 PM)
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Heh not that I've used this, I just dump all my change into mugs and plastic bags, but it did occur to me there's a funny potential feature.

"Wheat Pennies found". Ordinary pennies - Bleh. Tell the cashier "you can keep the pennies". You don't need the pennies. "Donating" 2-3 pennies to the cashier helps keep their manager from bitching at them if their drawer goes under for being nice to the next guy when they give out a quarter of change instead of actually counting out change. (Really Burger King? At least one of your meals costs $6.03?!) But Wheat Pennies. They're like Poor Man's Gold. Actually worthless, but fun to collect!

Wheat pennies, hmm. Yep, I could add that. Could also add Susan B. Anthony dollars...

Wheat pennies, hmm. Yep, I could add that. Could also add Susan B. Anthony dollars...
-kyrathaba (December 31, 2013, 07:32 AM)
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For me, it's the Wheat Pennies that haunt me. I keep giving back ordinary pennies to sales vendors because as +2 cents, it helps their drawer not to be under hence less chance of them getting yelled at by an uptight boss.

So if anything, I'd want "pennies donated" as a counter!  8)

But Wheat Pennies ... I know they're worthless, but dang if a penny from WWII doesn't inspire me!
(Hehe put in a text field *where* they are... because they always go "somewhere special" ... and then it moves! So the first four are on the Top Shelf, the next three are Next To The Book Case, etc!)

None of my entries have ever gotten much (if any) attention past the first month after release. I attribute that mostly to my entries not being of very high quality, and to me not being very responsive to feedback I've gotten.

But I enjoy it each year for the challenge and for the mugs!


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