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NANY 2014 Release: Blasteroids

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Asteroid Destroyer is a game I made last year while trying to re-make simple games for the purpose of improving my coding skills. I posted about it here. It seemed finished enough and high enough quality to put on While I was fixing it up and preparing it for that purpose I realized that I wanted to take it in a different enough direction that it warranted calling it by another name entirely. And thus Blasteroids was born.

I just tried this and think it's really well done.  I love the smooth graphics and explosions.  I also like the fact that there's an extra challenge because the explosions can hide an oncoming asteroid fragment.  Really nicely done, Deo.   :Thmbsup:

Thank you. :)

I've been making some other improvements, but will likely hold out on making any updated public builds until the final release. But a few of the more notable improvements are:

* Asteroids now appear to wrap around the world more smoothly, rather than suddenly teleporting to the other side.
* Fixed a significant performance problem that greatly affected the frame rate on lower end devices when spawning asteroids.

I just tried this and think it's really well done.  I love the smooth graphics and explosions.  I also like the fact that there's an extra challenge because the explosions can hide an oncoming asteroid fragment.  Really nicely done, Deo.   :Thmbsup:
-skwire (December 27, 2013, 02:16 PM)
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+1 to all this - I've really enjoyed playing this game :up:

I've just updated the original post with the final NANY release.

I couldn't attach the files to the forum because they are too large, so they are hosted on the game's page.


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