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Anti Noise Forums and mobile technologies


I would the url of well known american or worldwide forum anti noise.

And know about scientific informations about noise applications for mobiles lika S4 samsung, iphone 5 , etc.

Best Regards

Noise applications? Do you mean sound recording? Or something else.

measure decibels

There is a lot of applications for that purpose under Android and probably calibrated microphones for the mobile devices.

I think in the next years these devices will become more fiable.

I need contact with people fighting against the noise. I have a blog in


It's impractical and will never happen.

If you want to measure noise levels from a mobile device - zero chance.

The first obstacle is the manufacturer.

Then the model.

Then the mic used in that model and if they used different mics.

Then you can get to business. But those barriers are not going to be breached easily.


You need to deal with the specific mic used and deal with SPL vs. different weightings. Not going to happen.

Just get yourself a decent sound measuring device.

I might be off base there as I'm assuming a few things from what you've written. If so, ignore me.

Do you have url addresses of forums against the noise ?



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