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A Proposal for Improving Quality of News-Related Threads

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I think it's a great idea.
If the thread-starter didnt want the complete responsibility, they could also invite moderaters to add links at the end of the post. Posters in thread can request interesting links be added to OP by either of the above.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed laoreet sodales lacus at venenatis. Nulla vitae elementum ligula. Nam scelerisque blandit ipsum, et semper est porta eu. Vivamus hendrerit erat sed ornare ornare. Etiam sollicitudin eros porttitor nunc adipiscing fermentum. Mauris dignissim porta neque nec vestibulum. Cras non purus quis massa accumsan sodales. Pellentesque quis eros in turpis placerat elementum.

Links added later in thread:
most recent link
middle-aged link
Second oldest link
Oldest link
- or could a moderater/mouser 'inject' a sub-post below the OP, where the links could be added?

Edit// (wondering should these posts be split to new thread?)

Edit// (wondering should these posts be split to new thread?)
--- End quote ---

good idea, i've split it off.

Just my $0.02 - I obviously haven't thought this out in detail.  ;)
How about a board feature that just summarizes the links in a thread?

A list of links in the format (off the top of my head):

Author    Date     Description      Url       Jump to Post (url)     

It could be used in regular software threads too, if there's a 40 post thread with a link I'm looking for, I don't have to go scanning through everything. Just click the 'Links' button and scan through those. A lot of us have something similar installed in our browsers and my mail client summarizes message links too

Summarizing all the links would definitely help but if you think something like that would be overkill, create a custom [toplink] tag that users can use at their discretion. A user looking just for toplinks could generate those then. That way there are no mods involved, everyone does their own housekeeping and discussions aren't hampered by the fact that's there's going to be unnecessary housekeeping effort involved if one posts something.

Too crazy? Here's some more...

Users could choose to [toplink] plain text too. That way if there's an update or something the poster finds significant enough to go into the summary he could just [toplink][/toplink] it.

Yes but what I'm asking for is for the first post in the thread to be kept updated with new information (and collected links from followup posts); that way the first post in a thread is a sort of constantly updated table of summary and list of reading material to inform the pages of discussion posts that follow.
-mouser (September 11, 2013, 01:30 PM)
--- End quote ---

Doesn't that put a bit more responsibility in the hand of the OP- that might not be keeping up with the thread?   Others might be bantering back and forth, but only the OP can update the OP...

And having anyone else edit a post is a very slippery slope...

I think it's important to fit the tool to the task.

A forum is, to me at least, a tool for open dialog. Dialog tends to be messy since the participants are conducting a process that ideally leads to mutual discovery and clarification. As such, the dialog referred to as "insider noise" is what it's about since dialog is a tool for participants rather than silent observers. Most people that engage in dialog don't see or intend their discussion be seen or treated as an instructional text or formal article. And certainly not as a way to spontaneously generate instructional materials on the cheap.

If tighter focus and curation are the main goal, a blog with comments enabled would fit the bill much better.

If the goal is to create an open but structured learning tool, or a repository of group sourced wisdom, use a wiki.


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