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Interesting "stuff"

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Arizona Hot:
Interesting "stuff"

The ‘Computer’ Mouse is a mouse that is also a fully functional computer

@Arizona Hot: I dunno. "Heads-up driving" would seem to be a bit passé if not a contradiction in terms, in this day and age of txting-whilst-U-drive.  :tellme:-IainB (January 14, 2019, 02:29 AM)
--- End quote ---

In this day and age you can SMS via voice, no need to look down to see what your fingers are typing - you can completely screw up an SMS without even touching the phone.

Arizona Hot:
Interesting "stuff"

Nearly 773 million email accounts have been exposed in a massive data breach. Here's how to check if you were affected

Mostly spam in one box(hotmail) and a little personal email in the other(Gmail). Would you do anything if pwned?

Interesting "stuff"

Create your Azure free account today

Anyone here interested in 750 hours of free vM use?

Arizona Hot:
Interesting "stuff"

Google Phishing Quiz Helps You Spot Fake Emails

Interesting "stuff"

Ivan pavlov

Arizona Hot:
Interesting "stuff"

No no no! That's not good! You're already breaking it... now you're gonna blow it up.

Interesting "stuff"

Now this is a real quad

Interesting "stuff"

Only in Ireland


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