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Time lapse video (thread)

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more storms, great footage

-tomos (July 19, 2016, 05:12 AM)
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from the guy who brought us ^that^ one -- Mike Oblinski -- a beautiful black and white one of 2016 storms.
Worthy of full screen and high resolution:

also on YT here Pulse 4k

via dpreview

Similar topic:
HEAVENLY STORMS - Supercell, Tornado & Lightning Time Lapse

from Pecos Hank,
who apparently makes his own music for most of his videos

and another one from Oblinski of previous post, also with some beautiful footage (and very dramatic music)
Monsoon III (4K) [North American Monsoon]

O R E G O N i n f r a r e d

Invisible Oregon by Sam Forencich

via dpreview

from Pecos Hank,
-tomos (January 11, 2017, 08:37 AM)
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STRANGE STORM CLOUDS - Mammatus facts and information

this could just as easily have gone in the 'Interesting' thread - only some timelapse footage in it (at least I think it's timelapse). But I decided to post it here for continuity:

Hmm... I remember learning about the various kinds of clouds in grade school. But I don't recall them mentioning mammatocumulus. Or maybe I was too young at the time to know about or make the connection to mammaries and my teacher neglected to point it out. I only remember a couple of the clouds we learned about, and I'm sure knowing one was named after "boobies" would have made it much more memorable to an immature ~8-10 year old's mind.

this could just as easily have gone in the 'Interesting' thread - only some timelapse footage in it (at least I think it's timelapse).
-tomos (June 27, 2017, 06:57 AM)
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For what it's worth, in my opinion this video would belong better in the Silly Humor thread. There seemed to be some timelapse in the video, but it also seemed equally non-timelapsed. But it's fine here. :)


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