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The 30-Day Healthy Eating and Exercise Challenge!

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I fell a bit off the ladder.. can we do another 30 days of September? Who's up for it starting TODAY?
-mouser (September 02, 2013, 10:28 PM)
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I've been eating reasonably well lately, but would still like to improve a lot: get more active/fitter, earlier to bed, earlier to rise ;-)
Had a phase of doing light exercise in the morning, that helped a lot in terms of state-of-mind during the day. Would like to restart that.
So, yes, I'm up for starting today :up:

I fell a bit off the ladder.. can we do another 30 days of September? Who's up for it starting TODAY?
-mouser (September 02, 2013, 10:28 PM)
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Might as well just make this a permanent thread. The coffee mugs can have checks for each time you restarted :)

Carol Haynes:
Reboot healthy living +1  :Thmbsup:

Might as well just make this a permanent thread. The coffee mugs can have checks for each time you restarted :)
-allen (September 03, 2013, 07:32 AM)
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Sounds like a good idea to me.

Post confessions and victories as they occur? Might help to motivate some people.

Also, linking to the "recipes" thread might be a good idea sometimes.

I fell a bit off the ladder.. can we do another 30 days of September? Who's up for it starting TODAY?
-mouser (September 02, 2013, 10:28 PM)
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So. How did anyone manage in September?

I had a few handfuls of potato chips, but that was all the junk food I had. Well, other than some pop for mixer.

October so far is about the same for me, but I had some mini chocolate bars. Every once in a while is ok I suppose.


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