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Movies you've seen lately

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I actually like him as an actor.  IMO he was the best Combination of Batman/Bruce Wayne, probably because of the fact that he was older than in other instances.  That one interaction with Will Smith in the Suicide Squad was one of the best scenes in the movie.  He was also good in the Accountant, the Town, Gone Girl, and Argo.

DETROIT ROCK CITY for the music and SPACEBALLS for the fun :-*

baddest movie ever: (i think this one exist just in german) "Der Kanibale von Rothenburg" if you dont puke while watching you are hardcore!
This is a documentary like/realistic looking picture of actual happened things in Germany. Canibalism.

Dark (TV series)

I've seen a few in the past few weeks.

Movies you've seen lately1. Ant Man & The Wasp
Very good second entry into the series.  It still bugs me how Scott Lang is supposed to be so good at what he does and so smart, but the movies manage not to make him seem that way.  I get that Paul Rudd is funny (as are his crew who are back), but he skims the borderline between being competent and incompetent, while everyone else is uber confident.  Good movie though, with good character beats.  Don't see this before Infinity War.  I took my son to see it, and he hasn't seen Infinity War.  I had to be careful not to spoil him.

Movies you've seen lately2. The Spy Who Dumped Me
I was dragged to this one and didn't expect to like it.  But it turned out not to be what I expected, and I liked it!  Mila Kunis does well in the role of the clueless person caught up in events beyond her control, and along with her sidekick, plays the whole thing off well.

Movies you've seen lately3. The Meg
Again, a movie that I didn't expect to like.  And again, I liked it!  It followed a lot of the same beats of other big fish movies but dangled a lot of them in front of the audience, and then didn't fulfill those beats- going in a different direction.  Pretty bloodless for a shark movie owing to its PG-13 rating.

Movies you've seen latelyMovies you've seen lately4. Jurassic World & Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Before this last week, I'd not seen any of the Jurassic Park movies, but Jurassic World was on TV, and then I was dragged to see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.  Chris Pratt was really good in the role, and though it was truly a popcorn flick, it was an enjoyable popcorn flick.

Movies you've seen lately5. Rough Night
Girls Night and Weekend at Bernie's combined.  Nice comedic flick, turn your mind off, and enjoy.

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