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Newly coined term, "internet fury"? A sad article...

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Belated response :-[ -
yes, I see and acknowledge your points Stephen.
The video was great btw (the gratuitious use of unnecessary cushions was brilliant).
In retrospect I see I was mostly put off by your intro -

As defined by who exactly?

Firstly...I don't even recall commenting on this thread o.0
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1 came across as aggressive.
2 came off a bit like 'I dont care enough look at the post in question'.

That came across to me as not-respecting (and it still does - I realise it may not have been intended that way). My reading of that coloured the way I read the rest of the post. So I would say I over-reacted overall to the post in the end.
And one could even say that the whole episode is related to the topic too :-\ :P

Belated response :-[ -
yes, I see and acknowledge your points Stephen.
The video was great btw (the gratuitious use of unnecessary cushions was brilliant).
In retrospect I see I was mostly put off by your intro -

As defined by who exactly?

Firstly...I don't even recall commenting on this thread o.0
--- End quote ---

1 came across as aggressive.
2 came off a bit like 'I dont care enough look at the post in question'.

That came across to me as not-respecting (and it still does - I realise it may not have been intended that way). My reading of that coloured the way I read the rest of the post. So I would say I over-reacted overall to the post in the end.
And one could even say that the whole episode is related to the topic too :-\ :P
-tomos (April 14, 2013, 12:43 PM)
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Lol, the "Firstly" point was actually a shot at my own bad memory (Joke gone wrong lol)

And one could even say that the whole episode is related to the topic too
-tomos (April 14, 2013, 12:43 PM)
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Strangely enough, you are right...this entire "spin" is actually more on topic than the topic itself lol.

Grandpa stan, like I say, I can make no apology for something where I don't feel like I was in the wrong, however, I do understand your thinking :)

I also apologize for being bad at wording my post to the point where sly jokes where misinterpreted (understandably) :D

As defined by who exactly? -Stephen66515 (April 14, 2013, 02:24 PM)
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  That's about right, one person complains and the next thing you know everyone is in a frenzy. Sound familiar?   It's no secret that occasionally I drop the F bomb, but I try not to do this in the Living Room since it's an open forum.  With that being said, if there is no swearing allowed in this forum, then the filter should be set so.  If no such filtering is available, then it should be known that such post will be deleted.  Problem instantly solved.....

^Seems to me the problem got solved pretty well :up:

(FWIW I try to avoid swearing myself as well in the main forums - but it isn't banned)


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