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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Listary 4 released - tons of new features

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Ahh sounds good Curt.

I'll try the installer then.

has anyone had Listary crashing upon startup? i see a message box asking permission to send a report then it crashes.

i'm on Win 7 Pro 64bit, btw.

has anyone had Listary crashing upon startup? i see a message box asking permission to send a report then it crashes.

i'm on Win 7 Pro 64bit, btw.
-lanux128 (June 13, 2013, 07:57 PM)
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I also have win7 64.  I don't think it has been crashing on startup, but the latest version did have a couple of regular crashes recently.  But upon relaunching, it seems to work.  i don't know the cause.

I also have win7 64.
-superboyac (June 13, 2013, 07:58 PM)
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Win7 x64 and win8 x64, no crashes here far as I can remember.

Anyone know if Listary 4 has been fixed to work on non-admin accounts? I have been running 3.51 for the past four months due to this issue :(.


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