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In Car Gadgets & Doodads

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A 2-5 ton portable hydraulic jack is nice to have.
I don't see too many flat tires any more though.
It takes a bit of room in the trunk (boot) but worth it if you need it.
Mine is in a handy case that weighs about 25lbs or so...had it a long time, don't remember the specs.
The factory jacks that come with most cars are an annoyance to use.
I've used it once for my truck and once for my son's car.
They can be found easy enough, parts stores, walmart, etc.

A 2-5 ton portable hydraulic jack is nice to have.
I don't see too many flat tires any more though.
It takes a bit of room in the trunk (boot) but worth it if you need it.
Mine is in a handy case that weighs about 25lbs or so...had it a long time, don't remember the specs.
The factory jacks that come with most cars are an annoyance to use.
I've used it once for my truck and once for my son's car.
They can be found easy enough, parts stores, walmart, etc.
-cmpm (February 28, 2013, 09:59 PM)
--- End quote ---

Don't most cars come with a wind up jack thing in the boot anyway?  I know every car we have had for the past 20 years has had them in the spare wheel compartment, or in the boot (trunk).

Either a wind-up or some other contraption.
The hydraulic floor jack is easier to use and safer imo.
Just slide it under the car and put the handle on it.
A few pumps and it's up.
Mine looks similar to this one,
but lower to the ground for getting in between the car and the ground.

oops, wrong pic
the first pic is similar to my case
the second is similar to my jack

More like this one here is the one i have

Yep, it's a scissor jack in my car.
I could use the lug-nut wrench, but I have a 4 way tire wrench.
Makes it easy to get the lug-nuts off.


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