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Earth. Overpopulated or not?

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Until there is sufficient (if not equal) food for all, I consider this planet grossly overpopulated.  While I understand even in old times, someone (probably a dumbass lost in the woods, and evolutionarily deserving to die as something other than "the strongest) would starve to death -- but bottom line is, when entire nations are starving there's a problem.  Space is not an indication of vacancy -- Adding a city block worth of space to an over-crowded restaurant may bring it within fire code, but it won't increase the potential patronage without first accommodating many other needs -- kitchen, staff, consumables and tables not withstanding.

"Earth" and "Population" are much more than a ratio of earth mass to man mass.  There are great cultural and economic considerations that must be considered, as population is only as stable as the bodies that represent it.  While the majority of the earth's patrons may not be starving, I can assure you --with great confidence-- that continuing to increase the population will in no way alleviate the problem(s).  Is the earth so short of space we couldn't possibly fit another body on it? No.  We could cram billions more onto the surface of the earth easily -- and even more if we wanted to start burrowing.   Is there evidence to suggest there is more life on this planet than can be supported without extreme social and economic changes throughout the world? Undeniably yes.

Don't mistake me for benevolent, though -- I'm not personally concerned -- I'm admittedly a misanthrope.  I'd pretty much keep calling it over-populated until I could count the population on my fingers.  Fortunately, evidence supports my claim at the time.

On the upside, I'm sure we'll destroy ourselves well before we find out just how many we can cram in this phone booth.

Until there is sufficient (if not equal) food for all, I consider this planet grossly overpopulated.  While I understand even in old times, someone (probably a dumbass lost in the woods, and evolutionarily deserving to die as something other than "the strongest) would starve to death -- but bottom line is, when entire nations are starving there's a problem.  Space is not an indication of vacancy -- Adding a city block worth of space to an over-crowded restaurant may bring it within fire code, but it won't increase the potential patronage without first accommodating many other needs -- kitchen, staff, consumables and tables not withstanding.

"Earth" and "Population" are much more than a ratio of earth mass to man mass.  There are great cultural and economic considerations that must be considered, as population is only as stable as the bodies that represent it.  While the majority of the earth's patrons may not be starving, I can assure you --with great confidence-- that continuing to increase the population will in no way alleviate the problem(s).  Is the earth so short of space we couldn't possibly fit another body on it? No.  We could cram billions more onto the surface of the earth easily -- and even more if we wanted to start burrowing.   Is there evidence to suggest there is more life on this planet than can be supported without extreme social and economic changes throughout the world? Undeniably yes.

Don't mistake me for benevolent, though -- I'm not personally concerned -- I'm admittedly a misanthrope.  I'd pretty much keep calling it over-populated until I could count the population on my fingers.  Fortunately, evidence supports my claim at the time.

On the upside, I'm sure we'll destroy ourselves well before we find out just how many we can cram in this phone booth.-allen (April 27, 2006, 02:10 PM)
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You make many wonderful points, Allen. Such necessary social and economic changes are absolutely possible. There isn't really any (good) excuse as to why the world can't be fed right now. The earth is fertile and can easily support its measly 6 billion (seems we've been stuck at 6 billion since I was in grade-school and perhaps beyond) people living on it. We have the technology. We have the ability. If our government (and all others) would get out of debt and start spending wisely there is no reason why we can't make the world a better place.

Even though there are starving countries I still don't consider the world overpopulated. It's just uncared for. We, as a country and as the world's population, have the ability to make it happen. I know this sounds like naive ideals to the jaded, but really it is absolutely possible. But just as you said, Allen, extreme social and economic (and probably other) changes would be required to pull this off. That doesn't make it impossible. Just more difficult.

We have the technology. We have the ability. If our government (and all others) would get out of debt and start spending wisely[...]{snip}
-Deozaan (April 27, 2006, 02:49 PM)
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This is precisely why it is impossible -- or at the -very- least, extremely (monumentally extremely) improbable. There's a reason the hungry become hungrier while 1st world nations get fatter and more unhealthy, compensating by pouring money into medicine.  We're a territorial, and oft violent, species that at best takes care of its immediate own.

The idea that we could right all the wrongs is a pipe dream -- you're taking into consideration the economic ramifications but ignoring the social/cultural matters of humanity.  We've never all teamed up for the better good of the species -- we destroy or let the weak die out and take what they had.

I still stand by the statement that the earth is overpopulated -- sure, it could be overcome with technology -- but it would require a shift of cultural, of state of mind, that is well outside the general human paradigm.  There'll be a good scourge or two before anything so drastic is a reality.  It won't be in any of our life times.

i refrained from making a post for fear of sounding like an idiot - thankfully, allen has been able to express my thoughts for me in a far more consise and cogent form. thank you.

Until there is sufficient (if not equal) food for all, I consider this planet grossly overpopulated.-allen said
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There is plenty of food available.  The problem is that the leaders of the starving countries will not distribute it.  The US Govn't has been paying farmers to NOT grow crops for years, because our extreme over production drives the price down too low.

The problem, as always, revoles around the people involved, not the technology or supply.

Is the Earth overpopulated?  Considering the idiots involved, maybe.  If things worked right; no.


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