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BitsDuJour offering Dead Rising 2 2013-02-18


Not only is BitsDuJour offering Dead Rising 2 for 6.79 (GFWL required- I know that's a breaking point for some people), they're offering it through Paddle, a discount site- so basically as a referral.

Strange.  But a good deal.

Note: as a courtesy to BitsDuJour, I left the referral in that link to Paddle.

Also a note on Paddle- look carefully if you buy.  Things use many different platforms, and sometimes it's not obvious what platform something is unless you read the section at the bottom of the listing.

UPDATE: Oops... thanks.

Dead Rising 2  :P

Anyone played the original? Would this be worth a go? I'm not a gamer by any means, but I do like zombies  :greenclp:

edit: meh, US only, apparently...
edit2: Or so I thought, apparently needs a US address

I played the original, and loved it.  2 is supposed to be better, but I haven't played it.

Played and was little bit disappointed.
Smashing zombies is great but main goal is very, very annoying.


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