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New Study Says Drink All the Coffee You Want. Really.

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While I enjoy a good steak and a drink every now and then, I wouldn't put "coffee and cigarettes" and "real life" together in one sentence

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Well I wasn't aware of a real life either until I was older than 13. When you get some real experience then get back to us. :-\

On the topic of smoking... people should keep it to their own homes or, if need really be, open areas. It's not because I'm a health evangelist (far from), I just don't think it's fair forcing discomfort on other people. As for beer, red steaks, etc yadda yadda - bring it on :-* ... it's not like it hurts anybody (except perhaps for a few vegans, but those are pretty whack anyway ;) )

Well that ranks right up there with the most specious argument I have ever heard. The gist of my argument is I don't give a damn about their ideals. That their sole purpose in life...since they have no meaningful kind of to force themselves on everyone else. If they had a really fulfilling and interesting life they would be too busy to notice the sins of others.
-Cpilot (April 27, 2006, 01:56 AM)
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Do you watch TV?

While I enjoy a good steak and a drink every now and then, I wouldn't put "coffee and cigarettes" and "real life" together in one sentence
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Well I wasn't aware of a real life either until I was older than 13. When you get some real experience then get back to us. :-\
-Cpilot (April 27, 2006, 02:07 AM)
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If you *really* think coffee and cigarettes are a substantial part of "real life" (I hope you were kidding) I feel sorry for you. :(

Well, scientists seem to be not sure about that yet: only last week I read about a new study saying that drinking only two cups of coffee a day is increasing the cardiac infarction risk for those with the according genes already...-brotherS (April 27, 2006, 01:43 AM)
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It's true.  Coffee is the new eggs -- they can't make up their mind.  With any luck, indicision is lethal -- anyone doing a study on the effects of indecision on the general stability of the ol' brain?

While I enjoy a good steak and a drink every now and then, I wouldn't put "coffee and cigarettes" and "real life" together in one sentence :D
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It would be irresponsible not to -- it would be denying their existence, they're a part of real life.  At any rate, "real life" in the subjective sense is entirely what you make of it -- for some of us, a cup of coffee and a pack of cigarettes is akin to a conversation with God.  Not for everyone, obviously -- but we're not all the same, are we?  I, for one, would rather skip the sex and jump straight to the 'after' cigarette.  Some don't bother with the cigarette.  Who's right?  Were I an arguing man, I'd say sucking a cigarette does more to serve an overpopulated planet than potentially contributing further to the gene pool :)

When asked about their biggest regrets, (very) old people mostly named "not taking more risks" - not "not consuming more coffee and cigarettes" ;)

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Then they either didn't know they were missing, or they already were consuming at a sufficient rate.  Personally, I won't say I wished I consumed more either: I won't have to. :)

You seem to be partially behaving akin to what you described you don't like. You've got your ideals and you think everyone else should have them.
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Well that ranks right up there with the most specious argument I have ever heard. The gist of my argument is I don't give a damn about their ideals. That their sole purpose in life...since they have no meaningful kind of to force themselves on everyone else. If they had a really fulfilling and interesting life they would be too busy to notice the sins of others.
People who are overly concerned about their "special place" in society and how it should behave to their standards, are basically worms who in reality are bland, useless, beige, hollow insignifigant characters who will leave no lasting impression on anyone.
This is a societal phase and the next evolution of "political correctness". Ya know the general oppression of the masses and pressure to conform to an ideological norm. The attempt to eliminate personal freedom and supress individualism.

It must make these people really proud. :-\
-Cpilot (April 27, 2006, 01:56 AM)
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Throwing around insults and degradations instead of having a thought out, practical discussion perfectly resembles those bigoted fundamentalists you describe. If you don't give any thought to other people's ideals, why should they care about yours? And if you really think that smoking or drinking or eating meat is what defines your individualism, then I feel sorry for you too. I can do all those things just as much as the next person, but that doesn't make me an individual. It makes me a statistic. My individualism is more than what I consume or what actions I perform.

I have no grudge against you, Cpilot. Like you, bigoted, close-minded fundamentalists really bother me. They think they are right no matter what and won't listen to and don't care about what anyone else has to say unless they are agreeing with them. But for someone to profess the desire to let people do what they want and then slander those who want something other than what you want, I ask again, how does that make you any better than them?


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