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What are your favorite movies?

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That was really cute. But a part of me doesn't like it because the cynic in me says that would never actually happen in real life. It's too implausible. Too scripted. But it sure is a cute, romantic idea.
-Deozaan (March 28, 2013, 03:09 PM)
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Well, neither would Paperman.   :P

That was really cute. But a part of me doesn't like it because the cynic in me says that would never actually happen in real life. It's too implausible. Too scripted. But it sure is a cute, romantic idea.
-Deozaan (March 28, 2013, 03:09 PM)
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Well, neither would Paperman.   :P
-app103 (March 28, 2013, 03:33 PM)
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True. But Paperman was short enough that it was over before my brain started having those thoughts. I believe that's called Fridge Logic.

Potential Paperman spoilerAnd also, the magical flying paper airplanes required extra suspension of disbelief.

^Yes Deo, you little grouch you!  :P That's the "willing suspension of disbelief" that makes all fiction and drama possible. Without that, fiction becomes a lie. Which was a major philosophical issue when novels first started getting extremely popular during the Enlightenment era. The Church worried about what knowingly telling and listening to "falsehood" would do to people and their sense of judgement and morality.

Looking back at the last 400 or so years of history, I guess we have our answer to that question.  ;D

In the mean time, shut off the computer. It's Springtime. Get yourself out there and fall in love.  :)

It's Springtime. Get yourself out there and fall in love.  :)
-40hz (March 28, 2013, 04:04 PM)
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It ain't for lack of trying.  :)


It's Springtime. Get yourself out there and fall in love. -40hz (March 28, 2013, 04:04 PM)
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It ain't for lack of trying. -Deozaan (March 29, 2013, 02:24 AM)
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here it is snowing. "Does this parka suite my bottom?"


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