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Video rant against Windows 8

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Stoic Joker:
Update: I may have been wrong, he might not be an opportunistic troll. He might be a complete idiot. He's ranting because windows 8 didn't come with a windows key sticker sticker on the bottom of the laptop and there's no control panel icon on the desktop.-allen (December 21, 2012, 01:48 PM)
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Damn Straight! I can't count the number of machines I've seen that had missing or unreadable COA labels. But MS hardware keying the OS so it'll just install without bothering folks with a secret code ... Those bastards!  :D

...Did anyone think to ask why it took the guy to think of the word 'Recovery'? (Hay call me crazy, but...) Since it's been called a recovery disk for over a decade now?

I'm voting Complete Idiot on this one.  ;)

Your original statement kind of was saying that these flaws are the end of the world. I'll chock it up to exaggerated hyperbole.

I really don't think it's a step backward. Strictly desktop speaking, maybe--though I'd argue it's more a side step than forward or backward step. But here's the thing: the idea of desktop-only has been going out of style for a while, the nerd hunched over his computer in his basement is a dying breed. This is a tremendous step forward for what is actually a growing market: tablets, phones-- a multi-screen ecosystem.

What sucks is that stupid people like him are making statements that just aren't true -- and other are buying it, and then repeating it like it's true. Some of this shit is exaggeration, other things are just outright false. "Can't have multiple windows open at the same time" -- not only is that not true for Windows 8, it's not even true for the pure-metro RT tablets.

"I don't like Windows 8" is a perfectly acceptable position. "Windows 8 can't do something Windows 7 can" absolutely FALSE every time.

"Windows 8 is optimized for content consumption rather than content production and multitasking. Whereas content consumption can easily be done on other media (tablets and phones), production and multitasking are still best suited for PCs. Windows 8 appears to ignore that."

More from her: here.

I think that's a perceptive observation about this new user interface.  It sacrifices desktop usability and content creation in favor of content consumption on a tablet.  That's not so great if you want to use a desktop as a desktop.
-mouser (December 21, 2012, 01:56 PM)
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Bingo. Spot on! :Thmbsup:

Beneath the hood it's quite nice. I don't even have a problem with a flat look. (I actually prefer it. All my personal Nix boxes are set up with minimalist themes and flat icons.)

Just give us the option to permanently disable Metro - and ditch all the cloud nonsense they try to steer you into during the installation - and I'd recommend it without hesitation.
-40hz (December 21, 2012, 01:42 PM)
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Yeah, the flat more minimal look is great, functional. If Metro was removed then it would basically be Win7 plus. I wish Microsoft would have taken the boatload of money likely spent on Metro and instead given it all to... Mouser! MS should have simply brought in FARR and used it as start menu replacement.

I don't have any experience with touch screen/smart phone/tablet.  But from everything I've read on forums the thing should have been released as an OS for the above type of devices. Not for Desktop PCs. Then the controversy would be non-existent.   Any technical advances for the desktop could just have been included in W7 SP2.

Hmmmm, controversy >= free publicity?  Look how they survived Vista!!!  They must have direct electronic transfer from everyone's Swiss Bank Accounts to draw on.  Evidently there ain't no tip to the iceberg. Just just iz de iceberg period.


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