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Cyber Cody & Zombie Cody...My mrs is slightly...odd?

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 hi this is Hally, stephens better half lol thanks for liking my pictures :) an by all means have a crack a it i took the picture of it on my phone :)

I think the Robo Cody is the best of the three. Would your fiancé mind if I tried to convert it to a more computer-friendly version and posted it here? Not that there is anything bad about a scanned paper, but I am a perfectionists  ;) and it looks like a fun thing to do.
-vlastimil (December 14, 2012, 09:59 AM)
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I think the Robo Cody is the best of the three. Would your fiancé mind if I tried to convert it to a more computer-friendly version and posted it here? Not that there is anything bad about a scanned paper, but I am a perfectionists  ;) and it looks like a fun thing to do.
-vlastimil (December 14, 2012, 09:59 AM)
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-Stephen66515 (December 14, 2012, 04:35 PM)
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that sounds like Stephen talking ;D

I think the Robo Cody is the best of the three. Would your fiancé mind if I tried to convert it to a more computer-friendly version and posted it here? Not that there is anything bad about a scanned paper, but I am a perfectionists  ;) and it looks like a fun thing to do.
-vlastimil (December 14, 2012, 09:59 AM)
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-Stephen66515 (December 14, 2012, 04:35 PM)
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that sounds like Stephen talking ;D
-tomos (December 14, 2012, 04:57 PM)
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Yep, tiz me...She mentioned she hijacked my DC account to reply...which bugged me, cause I didn't realise ( many times must I set you to UK English before you will understand THIS IS HOW YOU SPELL THAT WORD!) how many replies this had cause it fucked off out of my "Show new replies to your posts" area lol.

NCNY - New Codys for the New Year!


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