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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

MagicRAR Drive Press - worth anything?

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The poster f0dder continues to spread technical falsehoods in a desperate effort to protect his or her continuing strawman arguments. Are you seriously surprised that this kind of attitude draws a strong reaction? What were you thinking?

I have privately emailed mauser that it is not a reasonable expectation for any poster here to ask MagicRAR to reveal any of our intellectual property - whether it has been patented or not - as these are our trade secrets. I find it necessary to reiterate that claim here.
-simonking (January 07, 2013, 04:16 PM)
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Move along, people, nothing to see here - snake-oil salesman passing through.

Let's try to keep things civil here ok?

I want to remind all of us that our policy here is to let everyone have their fair say in a respectful manner -- there is no need to resort to personal attacks or name calling.

We have been discussing the situation for a few days, and I believe we have found the optimal solution for everyone involved.

In the spirit of showing that we really do believe in our software, and the technology behind it, I'd like to offer anyone who wants to test and compare our tool the MagicRAR Drive Press Challenge!

We're giving away a fully unrestricted version of MagicRAR Drive Press for absolutely free, for one week only - so everybody can make up their own mind about the software. If anybody manages to match or beat MagicRAR Drive Press's compression, per the terms of the MagicRAR Drive Press Challenge, they earn a free copy of MagicRAR!

I've posted on the other thread too, but I just wanted to add here that I do applaud this as a positive and constructive step.

I've posted on the other thread too, but I just wanted to add here that I do applaud this as a positive and constructive step.-mouser (January 10, 2013, 01:33 PM)
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I'd rather see some of the points put forth in this thread be answered, instead of met with aggressive hand-waving.


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