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Why did it never occur to me.. You can wash a keyboard in water.

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A former boss of mine cleaned his PC's at least once a year with an air pump intended for balloons. That thing was not too big (so you could put it in whatever angle necessary) and more than enough force to blow away any dust.

-Shades (December 12, 2012, 05:00 AM)
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When I was searching for some kind of air blower one guy on a forum even suggested an inflated balloon with a straw in it to direct the air flow.

edit: now that I know what to search on, I see them for less than $3. Trouble is the $9 shipping. :(
Oh well. I'll see how the bulbs work out.

edit2: Ok! I found a plastic sport pump at  $2.53 free shipping!!  :)
I can always use the air bulbs to clean my cameras. :)

We've trained our pet crow to take care of these odd jobs

Why did it never occur to me.. You can wash a keyboard in water.

Train it to flap its wings and save on electric. :)

Excuse me. I dust need to wipe the smile off my face.

lol   ;D

Train it to flap its wings and save on electric. :)
-MilesAhead (December 12, 2012, 06:12 PM)
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You might get a charge out of that but it's a crow, not a raven lunatic!


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