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A secret society uncovered 250 years later

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One of my most prized finds as a young'un before I lost interest in such things, was the fact that some California new age house had reprinted the until-then ultra-obscure Isis Unveiled and the Secret Doctrine pair of texts by H. P. Blavatsky in about 1990. Compared with the usual mid range stuff on bookshelves at the time, it was immediately obvious that despite the author's apologies for collapsing in the face of organizing her text properly, she clearly Knew Something. Science wasn't in great shape in 1875-1890, but neither was it complete hocum either. Even with only a sporadic couple of years of hobby mythology studies at my command, something was up. There were Christian theological debates in footnotes that today match up with Wikipedia (yes, I know that other thread!) and she was one of only about two sources readily at hand that mentioned that the Phoenix had Arabian connections as well as the Egyptian-Greek lineage. And then there were various comments in at least seven languages. And that's when she was TRYING to be read.

So yeah, when someone like that wants to make a cypher, I'm not sure our modern cryptologists are ready for Triple-Steganographically-Encoded tricks like using "cinq" to mean "pain". And that's an easy one to take pity on my fellow Cody-ites. (Cinq is Five in French, Five in Jewish Kaballa Tree of Life, which often means hardship and pain.) And that's just one word. Do that for every word in the entire document and I could see why even a doctoral professor put it away in despair for thirteen years.

Edit: Or maybe this Knight guy is. I didn't read carefully enough before I started typing.

"So one evening Knight shifted his approach. He tried assuming that the manuscript used a more complex code—one that used multiple symbols to stand for a single German letter."

So yeah, "cinq" = "5" = "pain" is something he might catch if he knew where to look.

"It would appear that the Copiale symbols don’t represent just words and letters, they stand for numbers too. But if they do, Knight, Megyesi, and Schaefer haven’t been able to tease out the meaning. The Oculist master apparently understood these coded documents in a way that today’s interpreters do not. Despite years’ worth of attacks on their cipher, the Oculists’ secrets have not been pried loose, at least not fully. What they saw in their initiation chambers may never again be seen."

So forgive me for typing before I read the whole thing. I was right the first time. (Blame it on Slashdot!) If your key meaning is the phrase "mystical renewal" = "number 9" and you hide it behind the oldest Persian dialect possible, modern experts might still miss it.

  I had an uncle and a grandfather that were both Masons.  When asked about what they did and what went on in the meetings, I was told that they couldn't tell me.  All spooky stuff to me.....

it has to take something pretty powerful for an ugly dude like him to score!!
-MilesAhead (November 19, 2012, 06:14 PM)
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Yeah, but I wonder who's Kissinger now.

-cranioscopical (November 19, 2012, 06:57 PM)
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;D  ;)

  I had an uncle and a grandfather that were both Masons.  When asked about what they did and what went on in the meetings, I was told that they couldn't tell me.  All spooky stuff to me.....
-Tinman57 (November 19, 2012, 08:16 PM)
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I've been to a couple of Masonic lodges for unrelated events.  I didn't learn anything interesting, and I was looking!  I can't tell anymore what the deal with them is.  Either they really are/were an influential secret society, or it's just nothing?  Sheesh.  All I remember was that there was a big bible under a glass case right before entering the auditorium.  There were portraits of just (i'm sorry) the most classic white people I could imagine...seriously, all white...sideburns and suits and all...probably names like Chester Macarthur, etc.

  I had an uncle and a grandfather that were both Masons.  When asked about what they did and what went on in the meetings, I was told that they couldn't tell me.  All spooky stuff to me.....
-Tinman57 (November 19, 2012, 08:16 PM)
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I find that odd and fascinating.  I mean, it could just mean that they meet and get wasted with strippers or something, rather than coming with schemes to rule the world.  The former jives more with what I've seen men do when they get together, but I also don't get a chance to observe and hang around many masons.

but I also don't get a chance to observe and hang around many masons
-superboyac (November 19, 2012, 08:28 PM)
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I note you said masons, but nothing about the strippers...


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