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Creating automatic bookmarks in a pdf

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Not to hijack a thread, but I need something else entirely.  I have been trying to get a script to extract the bookmark, and the pages to the next bookmark, and name them after the bookmark. Like extracting chapters in a book to separate files.

I get a 500 page PDF with loan documents in it, bookmarked the Note, the Mortgage, Title policy etc.  I need to extract those sections and hopefully name them after the bookmark.  So if page 0 is bookmarked "Note", 1, 2 ,3, pages, then the next bookmark on page four is "Flood", I need pages 0,1,2,3 extracted to a file called "Note".  Then the next to "Flood" and so forth through the entire file. I am using Acrobat Pro XI, so a javascript or sequence is preferred.
-y0himba (November 15, 2012, 12:58 PM)
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I don't follow you.
Are you using acrobat to create the bookmarks ?

Not to hijack a thread, but I need something else entirely.  I have been trying to get a script to extract the bookmark, and the pages to the next bookmark, and name them after the bookmark. Like extracting chapters in a book to separate files.
-y0himba (November 15, 2012, 12:58 PM)
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Debenu PDF Maximus might be able to do something close to that. It's not cheap, though it does come up on BitduJour once in a while (I got my copy for zero dollars there).

Split by bookmarks — split files based on bookmark hierarchy
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-dr_andus (November 15, 2012, 01:17 PM)
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Taking a look


I don't see the tool.

-Contro (November 17, 2012, 12:30 PM)
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You can create PDF from Microsoft Word files (*.doc) with bookmarks using A-PDF Word to PDF.
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Disclaimer: I haven't tried that one.

@Contro, I don't grasp what you try to accomplish.
If you have a msword document with a toc, then that's sort of having already bookmarks..

Is your toc a real toc generated by msword or just an index made by hand?
msword autogenerates a toc (with links/bookmarks) by taking text with 'heading' styles,
there has to be some way to automatically assign a heading style (h1,h2,h3..) to any any keyword of your interest and then insert a toc to create links.


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