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Remember Buckyballs? They Are Now Gone

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That is fascinating, considering that they have plastered all over them warning keep away from children.

Yet again though, careless people and bad parents see to it that honest businesses get shut down because someone might get hurt by their product.

Maybe we should pass a law banning Tanning bulbs, or even natural sunshine. Think of all the skin cancer you would prevent by such legislation.

Really though, all they look like to me is ordinary steel ball bearings. Build yourself a magnet charger, buy a couple dozen steel ball bearings for perhaps $.35 each max, charge them up using the magnent charger, and you have effectively the exact same product for a fraction of the price.

Magnet chargers seem a bit expensive.

$9,400 here:

Or build your own for $200 to $300 here (incomplete):

Another how to here:

Unless you need a LOT of magnets, probably cheaper to just buy them.

Gotta learn to scrounge. It's possible to do it way cheaper than that, really the only expense is the required length of wire unless you happen to have a transformer core with the right shape and coil counts. Used transformers are easy enough to strip the cores from as well if you don't have a suitable core.

Try though they might, the government cannot realistically eliminate people's ability to simply make what they need out of whatever they have. It's an ability that sets the human race apart from the beasts, and something a lot of people these days should use more often.

Try though they might, the government cannot realistically eliminate people's ability to simply make what they need out of whatever they have. It's an ability that sets the human race apart from the beasts, and something a lot of people these days should use more often.
-SeraphimLabs (November 15, 2012, 06:36 PM)
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Yeah! There can never be enough BuckyBalls! Lets get on it pronto! :P

Gotta learn to scrounge. It's possible to do it way cheaper than that, really the only expense is the required length of wire unless you happen to have a transformer core with the right shape and coil counts. Used transformers are easy enough to strip the cores from as well if you don't have a suitable core.

Try though they might, the government cannot realistically eliminate people's ability to simply make what they need out of whatever they have. It's an ability that sets the human race apart from the beasts, and something a lot of people these days should use more often.
-SeraphimLabs (November 15, 2012, 06:36 PM)
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-SeraphimLabs (November 15, 2012, 06:36 PM)
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Yeah! There can never be enough BuckyBalls! Lets get on it pronto! :P
-40hz (November 15, 2012, 06:40 PM)
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Hmmm... Now I'm wondering...

I'm absolutely agreeing with 40hz there, but is it really such a great idea to scrounge for parts for your balls? :P

Ok - silliness aside - do you have any ideas about where to scrounge for free scraps? (Just general ideas would be good.)

I've checked on ebay for some things before, but it seems like anything I want on ebay has a large crowd of idiots bidding far above market price. I'm sure there have to be better sources. (Typically I see people bidding 20~50% above market prices.)


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