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DONE: Private Dictionary

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Hi all,  ;D

Just randomly had an idea come to me! and i figured i would toss it out and see if anyone likes it.

Here is my pitch

Wouldn't it be kind of an interesting to have a tray app that allows the user to create custom dictionary files that they can share with their friends so only the people with the dictionary that you made can translate and share messages with you.  To make it easier and more efficient, don't even make a GUI have the tray icon display a menu 1. choose dictionary, 2. make your own dictionary then have an option to encrypt or decrypt the text and send it back to the clipboard.

::Sample Dictionary::
It just follows each Key's placement as to row 1, 2 or 3 and what numbers its between, can be done in your head by looking at the keyboard but that will slow you down :-p

Although it has the inability to code symbols and numbers with his dictionary. It would be effective.

    12  23  34  45  56  67  78  89  90  0-
1   Q   W   E   R    T   Y    U   I    O   P
2   A   S    D   F    G   H    J   K    L
3   Z   X    C   V    B   N    M

so Hello would be

267 134 290 290 190
  H   E    L     L     O

considering its not simple like  A = 1 and the numbers are random because of how they appear on the keyboard its hard to guess and figure out that each number stands for a section of the keyboard, the BEST part is if you crush it together 267134290290190 (Hello), you don't need separators because the function in the program would look for the letters predefined number, and since the numbers wont overlap its simplistic enough that almost a search and replace function would encode it for you, without confusing the numbers because the code never work backwards the middle or end of a coded letter wouldn't be mixed up with the next one because the number is smaller (1, 2 or 3).

Well anyways just a thought, I would love to hear anyone's suggestion or criticisms, or if you know of a program like this, i would be interested.

ttyl Felicia,  ^_^

Hi Felicia!

That sounds very intriguing. I was just thinking of how to implement that through a PHP script but then I wondered what would happen if someone actually used a number.

Here's my suggestion: for any number just precede it with two zeros. 4 would be 004 and 42 would be 004002.

And if you wanted to avoid spaces in the code you would need to convert the space symbol into some numbers too. Maybe 400.

It seems simple enough to implement on a website as a form.

You could even be really tricky by encrypting the encryption so each letter was actually nine numbers long!

Hi Deozaan  :)

I think that's a great idea  :Thmbsup:, encoding spaces to numbers too so no one knows where the next word begins.  And 9 is better then 3 because who is gonna think to associate a 9 digit number to one letter? ;D.  And encoding numbers with the 00# is good too.  It would be different from the text pattern just enough to confuse people who try to understand it.

The idea of a web-based form is awesome too, because text compresses well and the file size would be quite tiny.  So would the key be a separate file accessed by the php script or would each user make their own key by replacing the contents of the original php script?

Possibly add an optional frame, with the dictionary in a small frame on the left and the user can define an email domain or web messenger site to load in the right frame so they can encode and send simultaneously?

Sounds like it might be more interesting than i thought LoL

ttyl Felicia

Actually, with a web form you could just paste the text to be encrypted, press the encrypt button and then it would display the text which you could then copy and paste in an e-mail or a message to a friend. Then the friend would come back to the site and paste the code in and press the decrypt button and it would display the original text, or in the case of the double encryption, it would display the 3-digit letters.

I suppose there could be a button to check for double encryption/decryption so that you wouldn't need to encode or decode twice manually.

I was thinking more with those numbers and maybe it would be best for a number to just be itself three times. 2 would be 222 and 5 would be 555 and 42 would be 444222.

But that's just one minor detail in an otherwise (seemingly) easy to do project--At least for a php form.

The problem is, you'd have to explicitly define all potential characters -- unless you want to support only US 26 character alphabet (which would be 52 if you differentiate among lower/upper case) -- wouldn't it be easier to just encrypt a block of text with a password and share the password with those you wanted to be able to read it?   It would, perhaps, but less fun than the decoder-ring approach but it would certainly be easier to implement and more flexible/extensible.

fsekrit would be ideal for sharing such messages.


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