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SOLVED: Adapt to windows 7 64 bits

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These two scripts are similar and goes well under windows xp pro sp3, but don't go under windows 7
How can I adapt to windows 7 ?
Best Regards

--- Code: Autohotkey ---#SingleInstance Force #if winactive("ahk_class CabinetWClass"){  #z::  Gui, Destroy  WinGet, WinID, ID, A  Gui, +LastFound  HWND := WinExist()  ControlGetText, DesPath, Edit1, ahk_id %WinID%   Gui, Add, ListView, r10 NoSort vChosenName h300 w400, Folder Name     For A,B in {1:"Prg1",2:"Prg2", 3:"Prg3", 4:"Prg4", 5:"Prg5", 6:"2012", 7:"07.2012", 8:"folder8", 9:"password", 10:"Avira", 11:"Folder11", 12:"Es un juego", 13:"MACApple", 14:"pago", 15:"portable",16:"Nofunc", 17:"Nuevo",18:"Script",19:"Autohotkey", 20:"trial", 21:"ENVIADOS",22:"RECIBIDOS", 23:"Folder23", 24:"Folder24",25:"Folder25",26:"Folder26"}    LV_Add("",B)    Gui, Add, Button, gChoose, Submit   Gui, Show, h340 w420, Choose Folder Name  Return} Choose:ControlGet, List, List, Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %HWND%Gui, DestroyLoop, Parse, List, `n{   If !FileExist(DesPath "\" A_LoopField)      FileCreateDir, %DesPath%\%A_LoopField%}Return

--- Code: Autohotkey ---#SingleInstance Force #if winactive("ahk_class CabinetWClass"){  ; quito la combinación hotkey control-alt-z  ^!z:: , para poner la combinación win+y  ; debido a que ctrl+alt+z la utilizamos junto con shift+ para volver al estado anterior  #y::  Gui, Destroy  WinGet, WinID, ID, A  Gui, +LastFound  HWND := WinExist()  ControlGetText, DesPath, Edit1, ahk_id %WinID%  ; añado w400 para aumentar el ancho de la ventana  ; perfecto lo de h300 . Me funciona bien y ya tengo la ventana más grande y preparada  ; compara con copia (2) de Emptytxtfile.ahk para ver estado anterior.  ; quito en la línea de abajo h300 porque obtengo error a la segunda vez.  Gui, Add, ListView, r10 NoSort vChosenName h300 w400, File Name     For A,B in {0:"Actividad Completada.txt", 1:"Instrucciones.txt",2:"Instalar en mv.txt", 3:"Es mal portable. Instalar como no portable.txt", 4:"Instalado como portable.txt", 5:"Instalar cuando se pueda.txt", 6:"ReciboLLamadaAlas.proponer fecha hora.txt", 7:"Ver pantallazos.proponer fecha hora.txt", 8:"Ver grabaciones de la fecha.proponer fecha sistema.txt", 9:"password   pegado del portapapeles.txt", 10:"Avira detecta virus. en parte a especificar.txt", 11:"File11.txt", 12:"Es un juego.txt", 13:"Es para entorno MAC Apple.txt", 14:"Tambien tienen versiones de pago.txt", 15:"No es buen portable.Instalado como portable.txt",16:"No funcione en xp. es para w7 o sup.txt", 17:"Nuevo Notepad++ Document.txt",18:"Script AutoIt.au3",19:"Script Autohotkey.ahk", 20:"es un trial de prueba.txt", 21:"Es plantilla de expediente o proyecto.txt",22:"Ver Grabaciones en accesos directos. Fotos.Grabaciones.txt", 23:"Propongo como residente en Startup Delayer.txt", 24:"No logro password de archivo.txt",25:"Utilizar la apertura de multiples carpetas y CreateShortCutsIn para accesos directos compartidos.txt",26:"Enlazar en tiempo real.txt",27:"NO MOVER ARCHIVOS.txt",28:"File28.txt",29:"File29.txt",30:"001.txt",31:"002.txt",32:"003.txt",33:"004.txt",34:"005.txt",35:"006.txt",36:"007.txt",37:"008.txt",38:"009.txt",39:"010.txt",40:"011.txt",41:"012.txt",42:"013.txt",43:"014.txt",44:"015.txt",45:"016.txt",46:"017.txt",47:"018.txt",48:"019.txt",49:"020.txt",50:"021.txt",51:"022.txt",52:"023.txt",53:"024.txt",54:"025.txt",55:"026.txt",56:"027.txt",57:"028.txt",58:"029.txt",59:"030.txt",60:"031.txt",61:"032.txt",62:"033.txt",63:"034.txt",64:"035.txt",65:"036.txt",66:"037.txt"}    LV_Add("",B)    Gui, Add, Button, gChoose, Submit  ; añado w420 intercalado entre las comas para aumentar el ancho de la ventana opciones  ; me comentan de poner h300 en alguna parte inicio pruebas de ponerlo al lado  Gui, Show, h340 w420, Choose File Name  Return} Choose:ControlGet, List, List, Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %HWND%Gui, DestroyLoop, Parse, List, `n{   If !FileExist(DesPath "\" A_LoopField)      FileAppend,, %DesPath%\%A_LoopField%}Return

I am very used at the present moment to these scripts and would like to recover is possibles.

Maybe you could help the people who might help you -
tell us what the scripts were for :)

What happens under XP?
What happens under Win.7?

Excuse me. I was supposing things.

The first script open a window for select folders names previosly created.
Then the folders selected are created.

The second script open a window for select file names previosly created.
Then the names selected are created as txt files.

These scripts goes well under windows xp pro. I use windows explorer configuration with the alternative : see path of the archive and folders in the windows title.

Under windows 7 I don't get any result.
The folders are not created
The files are not created


First script to create empty folders inside the selected one
Second script to create empty txt files inside a selected folder

I try to put now a screenshot of the normal functionality of the program :

This first one is the window with the folder list names to be selected.

SOLVED: Adapt to windows 7 64 bits 

But I select to create (submit), but finally are not created under windows 7.

The second script is similar and used to create empty txt files with the given names in the list that are selected. In the screenshot I select several ones, but when submit are not created.
I think originally the scripts for windows xp pro were created with the explorer option active :
Show complete path in the window title (or similar is said in english...)

SOLVED: Adapt to windows 7 64 bits 


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