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TrueTwit, and why I didn't even try it


So, today I was going through a message from Twitter and decided to follow a few people.  And I was met with an image that I hadn't seen before:

This seemed like DM spam, even though it had the twitter handle of one of the people I was trying to follow (someone from DC) in the DM.  So I did some searching on TrueTwit, and came upon a really good review/analysis of the service which was enough to put me off of even validating.

I figured considering how good the review was, and how it influenced me/saved me time, I would post a link here.  In summary the points that influenced me were the rating system (it seems very sketchy), the DM spam, and the fact that their pay service seems partially driven by the inconvenience of their service as used by others (though the coach it in terms of the convenience afforded by the service).


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