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NANY 2013 Release: Customizable Remote Administration Panel (CRAP)

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Yup, it works just fine now :}

I have switched from a ToolStrip with a flow layout to a FlowLayoutPanel with buttons.  The reason being is I noticed the ToolStrip was not adding a scrollbar if buttons overflowed, the flowlayoutpanel adds a scrollbar if it does.  Please back up the button data before trying it, but it should still look pretty much the same and act the same.  I have also added a copy button context menu item and menu item in the button editor that will allow you to copy the data from a button for adding a new button in case some stuff is just minor changes to the command.  I have also added the option to enable/disable balloon tooltips for the buttons instead of the rectangular style. Also, some of the menu items have moved into a sub menu to keep the items menu cleaner. Finally, I have rewrote some of the code to make it a little leaner and cleaner, so please test to see if it still works as it should for you.


Thanks, will do next week as I'm currently on vacation ^_^

Hope you had a good vacation and I did a update to have the variable and favorites on one line by default, but you can take it back to two lines if preferred over the one line style in the preferences. :) As always let me know if you see any glaring bugs that I missed.

Well I've been using it this week and it works pretty fine :}
I've been thinking however, that an option to restrict the number of instances of the program to 1 may be a nice addition, if it can be done.


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