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How to prevent browser tab clutter for Firefox and Chrome?

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Well, I haven't figured out how to keep 150 tabs from slowing everything down
-app103 (October 03, 2012, 02:54 PM)
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Chrome keep 300-400 without any problems or system slowdown. And this is why i switch. And this is why i wrote Tabs Outliner only for Chrome, and maybe will not do this for firefox, till they not fix them. In version 3.6 i easily opened up to the 1000 tabs on them (well, maybe not so easily, but, i really do this, now this is impossible in Firefox )

Chrome keep 300-400 without any problems or system slowdown.
-omnray (October 03, 2012, 05:05 PM)
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That has not been my experience. Can't seem to go over 10 without issues. That's why it is not my default browser.

Chrome keep 300-400 without any problems or system slowdown.
-omnray (October 03, 2012, 05:05 PM)
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That has not been my experience. Can't seem to go over 10 without issues. That's why it is not my default browser.
-app103 (October 04, 2012, 02:40 AM)
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After 600-700 tabs in Chrome (if flash is disabled, and no any heavyweight javascript, in some page, is runned) Windows start experience problems with available handles to draw other applications. This is something real, this limits can be tuned, i have in the end of the Tabs Outliner page in the Chrome Web Store comment how to raise there limits. But actually this will be not needed if you install it, as its main goal is to prevent this situation ; ))

But 10 tabs, or windows, cannot hit about this limit. CPU most of the time is not an issue (but worth to check task manager, maybe some of you favorite sites execute some DNA computations in background using javascript, yet situation with Firefox will be worse in this case, as it is have more slow JS engine, so this is unlikely). So i can only guess you have only 2 or 4 gig of ram. And the best advise - buy more ; ) Cannot insert more? - buy a new PC - they are realy rock now, and i think you will not need new next 10 years : )

Yes, Chrome use more ram, maybe much more, i never compare, but to start new Firefox instance when you have 200-300 tabs in it need to wait a minute, and new Chrome start instantly even if you have 600 tabs. And work as fresh one (not the case with Firefox)

Definitely Firefox is not an adequate browser for tabaholics. Even with all of its really mega useful addons and features which allow to manage this situation i switch to Chrome only because of this, long before i have working Tabs Outliner - but now, when it is exist and work, there really no reasons to continue use Firefox (yeh, yeh, this is only my IMHO, and i am biased as hell ; ).

Tab groups in firefox - Ctrl+Shift+E.

-f0dder (October 03, 2012, 07:04 AM)
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Good tip that I never knew, but it feels a little weird, so I'll one day try it later.

You guys are incredible. I can't process more than some 30 tabs at a time. So I'd save them in session groups. I couldn't imagine 700 tabs. It just feels "wrong". (yikes).


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