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NANY 2013: Carbon - website / blogging framework [alpha]

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Carbon is a hackable performant (semi) static blogging system.. I intend this to be my NANY 2013 entry, however I'm getting too excited :) I've never build such a system from scratch but am familiar with PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, SilverStripe etc so Carbon is class based, somewhat MVC and clearly written (I hope).

It should be considered early alpha, a first-look. There is no point using it in production yet, but you might want to have a sneak peak and give initial feedback.

* Easy to learn
* Easy to hack & extend
* Performant

There are many others. I find most of them too complex to extend, too fiddly to get running, or too hard to use. Because I wrote this one, I don't have these problems.

Source and information, issues etc on GitHub. Enthusiastic feedback welcome. Best way to start is to look at the index.php and follow the execution pipeline.

Very cool!!

Nice work, Justice!

Well done!  :Thmbsup:

You can now link to individual posts,  articles can contain yaml (key value pairs), and we have a post loop (show last 10 on frontpage). Things are progressing.


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