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Is my pen-drive performing okay?

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I have a 16 Gb Sandisk Cruzer pen-drive, on which I have a suite of portable apps, plus many docs I use at my place of work.

I'm just wondering if the following benchmarking results I got are decent. I know it's not gonna perform like a USB 3.0 device, because it ain't (it's 2.0).

^ results from Flashbench Benchmarking portable app

^ results from Roadkil's Disk Speed portable app

Should this be moved to another area? Just wanting feedback on this device, because I'm considering ordering a couple more.

Doesn't seem too bad to me, for a pendrive. The theoretical speed limit of USB2 is 480mbit/s, which would translate to 60MB/s (and that's excluding stuff like ATA protocol overhead - dunno if the USB protocol overhead is included?). Even for harddrive enclosures, I've never had better than close to 30MB/s, leading me to think that the 480mbit/s is marketing snake-oil, and they should be saying 240mbit/s full-duplex? :)

Also: never use those drives for primary storage of anything. They go flaky without warning.

Also: never use those drives for primary storage of anything. They go flaky without warning.
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Absolutely. I backup (2 x weekly, to multiple locations) my pendrive that I use at work.

Can you explain to me the difference between mbits, MiB, MB, etc, and how to convert amongst them?  I know the basic conversions (think I'm accurate on these):

1 Kb = 1024 bytes
1 Mb = 1024 Kb
1 GB = 1024 Mb

But I don't understand the mbits, MiB, MB differences.

Doesn't seem too bad to me, for a pendrive. The theoretical speed limit of USB2 is 480mbit/s, which would translate to 60MB/s (and that's excluding stuff like ATA protocol overhead - dunno if the USB protocol overhead is included?). Even for harddrive enclosures, I've never had better than close to 30MB/s, leading me to think that the 480mbit/s is marketing snake-oil, and they should be saying 240mbit/s full-duplex? :)

Also: never use those drives for primary storage of anything. They go flaky without warning.

-f0dder (September 22, 2012, 07:05 AM)
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+1 x 10 on all of the above.

Especially the part about these things going bugger all with no warning.

If you have important docs on the drive, set it up to auto sync with something (preferably both your home and work machine) and make sure it does. I love keys.  I have a half dozen set up for various tasks when I'm at a client site.  I've had three different premium quality USB keys from two different "name" manufacturers die on me to date. None gave a hint of any problem before doing so.

Sync those puppies regularly.  :Thmbsup:


Addendum: oops! I see you posted while I was composing.

Never mind! ;D


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