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FREE Programming eBooks! (and a C++ book for C# devs)

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Yeah... I know what you mean. They're just trying damn hard to drum up business, but it's bloody annoying. Had a few of those calls myself.

Still, I have to give them credit for the free ebooks.
-Renegade (September 08, 2012, 10:54 AM)
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Oh.. I do too.  Especially after reading them.. and the fact that they continued to put them out.  The git one really helped me out.  And Smartgit looks pretty cool.

Emails and Phone Calls are different levels of things. I have a sandboxed email for precisely this stuff. But the minute I saw "give us your phone" I just blasted it with a fake one. To me, that crosses a line.

On a related note, one of the "third tier" life insurance companies called me. I'd ignored a lot of their cross-departmental follow up emails for a few weeks now. When they finally caught up with me, I shut their rep down before he could go into his whole "but our company is wonderful" speech. (Red Herring.) I jumped in and said, "Sure, I already know your company is wonderful. But do you offer a salary?" "No, but ..." "Well, there you go then." I hung up after a couple more minutes basically saying I suk at commission sales and not to call me unless he had a salary position to talk about.

Where I lived there was a pharmacy store with help desk about 70 meters away that had a telephone number with the exact digits as mine except one digit swapped position between them (500508 and 508500 to be precise).

Guess what number I always fill in nowadays when sites ask me for my telephone number...

Emails and Phone Calls are different levels of things. I have a sandboxed email for precisely this stuff. But the minute I saw "give us your phone" I just blasted it with a fake one. To me, that crosses a line.
-TaoPhoenix (September 08, 2012, 03:47 PM)
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There are certain things where you're going to have cold calls and sales reps in addition to/instead of e-mail.  They're a high end component company, so I can understand the whole phone call thing.  But not to have an opt-in was what annoyed me.

Here another two:


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