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Images unexplainably changed

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I apologize if I bore you with personal matters. I hope my troubles may be useful/interesting for someone else too (but I don't believe it).

Could this be a driver conflict issue?  Don't have a clue how you'd hunt it down, though, other than trial and error-barney (September 17, 2012, 04:31 PM)
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There is a little new: yesterday I have seen those images just while they were changing colour.

I look at an image. It's normal. If I open other windows (for example I start 7Zip, Explorer, the window of the properties of the files etc...), within some seconds the image slowly becomes reddish. If I close those new windows, within some seconds the image slowly returns to normality.

There is a little new: yesterday I have seen those images just while they were changing colour.

I look at an image. It's normal. If I open other windows (for example I start 7Zip, Explorer, the window of the properties of the files etc...), within some seconds the image slowly becomes reddish. If I close those new windows, within some seconds the image slowly returns to normality.
-Giampy (September 24, 2012, 09:16 AM)
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That sounds like a power/GPU issue.  Is that box on a UPS?  Reason I ask is that a couple of years back something somewhat similar where I live.  LCDs are not quite so sensitive to power fluctuations as CRTs were, but I'd see ... differences? ... nothing I could specifically identify, much less describe, but the screens changed.  Turned out to be power line fluctuations.  I got some small TrippLite UPS units.  Not much bigger than a lot of surge protectors, but they smoothed the power situation to the extent that I no longer see - or maybe just not notice? - any visible changes.

Might be worth checking out.  Borrow a recording watt meter, then see if you're getting variances.  And check that your outlet voltage is what it's supposed to be under load.  Hardware can be affected by brownout conditions in ways that are not readily obvious.


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