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Simplifying Your Computer

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constantly asking everyone I could if they wanted a Linux-based PC or server absolutely free
-40hz (August 22, 2012, 03:17 PM)
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You didn't ask me  :P

... Anyone else have cleanup stories?-TaoPhoenix (August 22, 2012, 01:58 AM)
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I went from approx 500 to 137  :up:
And Yes, I had to use several weeks to do so, waiting for Revo Pro to scan and scan and scan and...  :down:
but I think the result has been worth it.  ;)

On my next computer I would like to have even fewer but better programs, instead of these cheaper but inferior ones.

I cleaned out dozens of app's a couple of months ago when my mobo failed

sadly no noticeable difference performance wise...


Wait...what is the meaning of this?!  No more lab?
-superboyac (August 22, 2012, 04:23 PM)
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Nope. Or at least not a full-bore setup like I used to have. It's all virtual going forward baby, virtual! :P ;D

Besides, I need the space for musical instrument design and construction. My new career if Microsoft walls off its garden like Apple did. And with all the cloud and managed service moves taking place, I can see an end for smaller SMB support operations like mine where I live. I'm not a coder, so that's not a path that's open to me. And I can't see spending most of my remaining work years doing basic PC repairs...or selling subscriptions to Office 360 or some other big cloud service. :nono2:

"...the times, they are a changing," as Uncle Bob D once said. Makes sense that they change too. Especially since not enough people and businesses are concerned about putting all their eggs in too few baskets - to say nothing about being unbelievably careless about whom they trust with their information. I'm tired of fighting that battle. About the best I can do now is wish them well. Seriously. I do wish them well. :mrgreen:

I'll still keep a small hand in the game I guess. But it will be more along the lines of my getting back to my roots with things like the Raspberry Pi or Arduino boards.

Can't hardly wait! :Thmbsup:

constantly asking everyone I could if they wanted a Linux-based PC or server absolutely free
-40hz (August 22, 2012, 03:17 PM)
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You didn't ask me  :P
-rgdot (August 22, 2012, 04:35 PM)
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Apologies. ;D Actually, I had thought about throwing it up online. But shipping costs would make it hardly worth it, so I kept the offer local. Besides, when you can score an i3/4Gb/500Gb combo with full warranty plus a copy of Windows for <$500 why bother unless you can just go and pick it up? The new machines are quieter and have better energy footprints so there's also that to consider.


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