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Go dark for IE - October 26, 2012

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The Mission
Old browsers hurt the web! They don't understand modern technologies, lack features, they're buggy, have security holes and prevent you from seeing the web the way it should be seen. Imagine if everyone didn't upgrade their TV or computer? It would mean all the great enhancements like HD, DVD's etc would all go to waste. Imagine what you'd be missing out on!

Using IE8 and below makes the web less than what it is. Potentially holding back the web!

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The Plan
Our plan: To get websites to go dark on October 26, 2012 to users of Internet Explorer below version 9.
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Go Dark For IE

Below 9?

9 is Vista and above, there are still millions of XP installs out there  :-\ (I mean me included)

Why stop at 9 ;D

I'm on XP too and some sites work right only with IE, so I'm forced to use it occasionally. But if you're running an older version of IE on sites that support other browsers, a wake up call wouldn't be a bad thing. :)

Sooo negative. Consider the law of unintended consequences, and try to stack the odds in favour of the consequences you actually want.
What's wrong with a polite, helpful and constructive approach along the following lines?
A pop-up note: (logic options in square brackets)
We notice that you are using an old/obsolete browser to access this website - [Internet Explorer 6].
We [won't be able to] [or] [aren't able to] support old/obsolete browsers like this, so what you see on your screen may not look very good or may not even be able to show you things like relevant videos or animations. Sorry about that.

If you want to upgrade your browser to its current version for free, please go to this link: http:/etc. When you have installed the current version, come back here and take a look with "new eyes". We think you'll like what you see, and we'd love to have you look around our website - it's been put here for people just like you to enjoy.
Would you like more information or help on this topic? If so, then please take a look at our FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions") - here [link]
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